Впервые в истории право провести главную выставку года - Чемпионат Мира - выпало России. Впервые Шамрог участвовал в главной выставке года - Чемпионате Мира. но звезды сошлись, и выставка прошла на высочайшем уровне, и Шам стал ЧЕМПИОНОМ МИРА 2016 и ЛПП!!!
First time in history WDS was in Moscow, Russia. And first time we was participants of such important show. But our team work for 100% and WE DID IT!!! Seamrog won WORLD WINNER 2016 title and BEST OF BREED!!!
ВНИМАНИЕ! Любое копирование фото из данной статьи запрещено!! No use any photo from ring with watermark anywhere else! Contact me if you need one!
Here was not easy victory. Judge was Johan Juslin from Finland and he was very strict at this day. Ring of IRWS had 9 entries, but finally 6 participants. Results:
Cornadore Arro - exc., R.CW, R.JCAC, Vice Junior World Winner
Rooney Shadow Dog - exc., CW, JCAC, Junior World Winner
Gordi Glenkar Rua - very good
Simply Gorgeous Shadow Dog - exc., CW, CAC, CACIB, Ch.RKF, WORLD WINNER 2016, BOB
Rubra Alba Capercaillie - very good
Slaine is only 22 months, too young for finnish judging, and also she lost her coat after season... But he was realy wonderful in ring and showing at 100%!!! So proud of this girl!
Bugatti Style - very good
Simply Gorgeous Shadow Dog & Rubra Alba Capercaillie - BOB Couple
It was undoubtedly stunning experience for all of us and I'm unbelievable proud of my priceless Pride - Seamrog and Slaine!!! I want to say thank you to their groomer for WDS - Zhanna Badalyan, photographer Natalia Deingel and to all for support! Thank you!!